In street F. Randazzo, anessa ancient Benedictine monastery, it is built the church of San Biagio, already complete the 06.11.1433, then enlarged between 1698 and 1729, and finally (2010-2011) restored the exterior elevation from `arch. P. Gurgone and inside arch. Carla Mancuso, both of the Superintendent of Enna.
After the suppression of the monastery, the building was sold to private owners, and the remaining was granted to Msgr. Cozzucli to temporarily place any the Episcopal Seminary, which remained there from 1889 until 1960.
The interior with a single nave is covered by a barrel vault with lunettes set at the level of a frame entablature that runs around the classroom. At the level below the classroom it is a partially excavated in the rock and crypt consists of various premises.
The church is covered with beautiful stucco and gilt rococo carved in the first half of the eighteenth century by Serafino Perollo; to the altars, G. Velasco (between 1772 and 1775) there painted five canvases:
- San Biagio healing a sick throat;
- Ecstasy of St. Scholastica;
- Martyrdom of San Placido and his companions;
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.
- San Benedetto that breaks down the statue of Apollo;
Behind the picture of San Biagio, on the High Altar, it is the statue of the saint carved in 1600 by Li Volsi.
They are also kept in the facility:
- the Group of Christ scourged the U.K. I turned them;
- San Lorenzo`s coffin from Santa Maria;
- St. Bartholomew`s coffin from the Cathedral;
- the Episcopal throne that Msgr. Avarna gave to the Cathedral.
Recentemente è stato mirabilmente restaurato l’antico organo.
A real Baroque architectural model is, then, the monumental wooden tabernacle from the church of Santa Maria of Jesus: it is a carved statue refers to Peter Bencivinni, or at least to an artist of his school.